
For a limited time only, introductory accounts are available for only £150 per month. That gets you an unlimited number of reports each month for the first 6 months of the account

Sign Up Now to take advantage of this offer or Contact us for more information or to request a demo

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ScriptList is available in 2 modes: Pay As You Go or Subscription

Pay As You Go

You can create ad-hoc queries that are downloadable into spreadsheets. There is no limit to the number of queries that you can have in a spreadsheet, but each must start with the same 3 letters

Ad-hoc spreadsheets are charged at £20 each for any 1 month of data


The data is refreshed monthly, and you can have some queries run the day that the data becomes available for £15

Alternatively, for £500 per month you can run an unlimited number of ad-hoc and monthyl reports